Now that you have completed this course and the Service Learning component, what have you decided about becoming a professional teacher?  Do you think this is the career path for you?   Has the Service Learning helped influence your decision? What are your next steps? Write a thoughtful, 3-5 paragraph response to express your position.
 I have decided to still continue as an Elementary Ed major. I have known that this was my career path ever since I was little. I grew up with teachers and loved the idea of one day being a teacher. After the service learning experience it has just made me even more excited to graduate and become a teacher. I knew going into the service learning that it wouldn't influence my decision to become a teacher negatively just because I love teaching and I know there are going to be negative things that happen when you are a teacher but that comes with every profession. I try and look at all of the good things that come out of being a teacher. For example, creating long lasting relationships with students, having an impact on students lives, being a role model, and most importantly teaching students everyday things that will help them survive in this world. My next steps are to take each semester at a time and try and finish each one with good grades so it brings me one step closer to being a teacher.  I know 100% that this is my career path. I look forward to becoming a teacher one day and influencing many lives in a positive way. 
